

A soccer team has 11 players. The Sao Paulo Metro system has 11 lines. To celebrate the 2018 World Cup, we used this coincidence and associated each metro line number to the corresponding number from the national Team’s shirt. We then designed iconic posters for all the players that had worn the shirt number over the years. Thus, Pelé, the sacred number 10 shirt, had his poster displayed on line 10 of the subway, as was Ronaldinho Gaucho, and so on. Each poster had a QR Code, and by scanning the code, the public was able to watch highlights from the featured player’s career. The posters ended up being made into an exhibition at the Museum.

Role: Concept, Art Direction, Design

El Ojo / Excelence in Brand Experience – Silver
El Ojo
/ Actions and Installations in Public Spaces – Bronze
Brazilian Creative Club / Design – In Book

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 Every poster had a QR Code, and by scanning the code, the public were able to watch highlights of the players’ careers.

Every poster had a QR Code, and by scanning the code, the public were able to watch highlights of the players’ careers.

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 The posters were turned into an exhibition at the Museum.

The posters were turned into an exhibition at the Museum.

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